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A short resume and links to the webinar.
Another successful and interesting webinar organized by CCFF, and by Nordic Strategic Consulting with Peter Eriksson, Heli Pasanen-Zentz and David Szymanski as speakers!
We exchanged during 60 minutes in an interactive webinar on the impact that cultural differences in communication have on business success.
Heli skillfully moderated the session during which Peter exposed concrete real business cases, and David illustrated the conceptual tools behind the business scene.
You can reach our speakers respectively at:
Peter Eriksson: peter.rikhard(@)gmail.com
+33 6 09 69 82 54
Heli Pasanen-Zentz: heli.pasanen-zentz@businessfinland.fi
+33 7 7636 9834
David Szymanski David.szymanski(@)nordicstrategicconsulting.com
+358 40 75 85 896
The audience had very relevant questions and comments that brought a true dynamism to the session.
More than 120 participants registered with profiles ranging from CEOs to technical Directors, From engineers to VP sales, from Executive Owners to Students, from Developers to Consultants, from Journalists to professors, from HR to Self-Entrepreneurs, bankers…
The feedback from the participants were very enthusiastic! Here under a sample:
“Very interesting topic and pleasant webinar: well explained”
“If only I would have had that knowledge when starting my business”
“Precious tools to further explore for successfully collaborate with French”
“We are not blunt, shy and cold and they are not messy, late and over emotional: It’s just cultural patterns that need to be understood”
“Nice keys for business success! Thanks!”
“Would need to further explore, too short for such a dense topic. Why not a round-table discussion format next time?”
If you missed it, or want to review it, you can see the recorded version on the following link:
Decode cultural differences impact on business
This webinar was just an introduction to a rich topic. The participants asked interesting business questions, and we were happy to give them a few key takeaways. We are, at Nordic Strategic consulting, available and happy to further help you succeed in your real-life business case. Please contact us at info(@)nordicstrategicconsulting.com or visit us at www.nordicstrategicconsulting.com.